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The importance of reporting anti-social behaviour

It’s Antisocial Behaviour Awareness Week and Richmond Council is encouraging everyone to report antisocial behaviour wherever it occurs. The term antisocial behaviour (ASB) describes behaviours that can seriously impact the quality of life for people and their communities.

Antisocial behaviour includes: 

  • Threatening and abusive behaviour 
  • Intimidating groups taking over public spaces 
  • Vandalism, graffiti and flyposting 
  • Dealing and buying drugs on the street 
  • Dumped rubbish and abandoned cars 
  • Begging and antisocial drinking 
  • Misusing fireworks 
  • Nuisance neighbours 

If you are concerned about antisocial behaviour, you should report it. 

To report crime, call the police on 999 if the crime is taking place at the time or call 101 or visit to report a crime that has already taken place.  

To report an issue with fly-tipping, graffiti and dog fouling, go to and report it online or call Richmond Council’s main switchboard on 020 8891 1411 (9am-5pm Monday-Friday).  

To report noise nuisance from premises, contact the Council Noise Service by ringing 07944 038 495 between 10pm and 3am on Friday and Saturday nights or report it via the Council’s website.   

Richmond Council works with partner organisations to carry out problem solving work to reduce antisocial behaviour. For example, the Richmond Green Management Plan was created to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour in the location, and this involved measures such as increasing number of Parkguard patrols at weekends in the area. 

Cllr Gareth Roberts, Leader of Richmond Council, said: 

“No one’s quality of life should be badly affected by other people’s behaviour. Whilst not all antisocial behaviour is classed as a crime, a lot is and incidents that might start small can build up and become very serious. Reporting antisocial behaviour means you won’t have to deal with it on your own and is a vital step in helping reduce antisocial behaviour across Richmond upon Thames.” 


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