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The local Teddington Lottery is making donations to two good causes, Park Lane Stables and the first ever Park Art competition, it was announced today.

Each organisation will receive £500. The well-known stables, which hopes to move back to its original Teddington home in September will use the money for vital supplies.

The stables have listed a wish-list of non-essential items such as loo roll holders, waste bins, specialist horse feed and treats and cleaning materials.

The Friends of Bushy and Home Park will use its £500 to help fund the various prizes for its recently-launched the art competition.

Stables Founder Natalie O’Rourke said: “We are really grateful for this donation which will really help us get ready for our return to Teddington with all the day to day items which help us do our job properly.”

Park Art Competition organiser Rebecca Harvey said: “This signification donation will allow us to offer prizes for this exciting new project which we hope will inspire lots of budding artists to enter. Many thanks to the Teddington Lottery.”

The lottery was set up to help support local Good Causes across Richmond Borough including charities and schools and clubs and players can actually choose where their ticket money goes.

Tickets are available online weekly for just £1  at and prizes range from three free tickets to a jackpot cash prize of £25.000, which has been won by the Teddington Theatre Club.

You can see the wish-list for Park Lane Stables here:

More details about the Park Art Competition can be found here:


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