Teddington Mum2mum Market


14:00 - 16:00



Event Type


Mum2mum market is hosting another fabulous NEARLY NEW SALE in ***TEDDINGTON*** Sat 15th October 14.00 – 16.00 pm @ Teddington Baptist Church, Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8PF

£2 on the door. Kids FREE. Everyone welcome 🙂

Up to 28 stalls selling a huge range of gently used goodies all under our buggy friendly venue with yummy refreshments!

FREE goody bags, face painting, massage, buggy park, baby changing, feeding area

PLUS refreshments and all proceeds to local charity Baby Basics

” I am coming home with an empty car and a full wallet, my husband will be happy” seller at Teddington

“These markets have been a god send and have saved me a fortune. The sellers are always helpful and informative more so than shops….I’m on the mailing list so never have to worry about not knowing when the next one is. Can not recommend these sales enough.” Amber, Facebook

2 for 1 entry voucher


Last half hour FREE to get in!!!

Stalls sell out weeks in advance. BOOK YOUR stall now at www.mum2mummarket.co.uk/book-a-stall.html

Our sales support and fundraise in aid of local charity Baby Basics.

Teddington Mum2mum Market


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