The Victorian Photography Workshop – 6 week course

The Victorian Photography Workshop - 6 week course


19:00 - 21:00

Event Type

The Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Road, Teddington, TW11 9NN


Open to all adults, particularly with an interest in photography. No experience required. This workshop covers the important developments in early photography, from Fox Talbot (1834) to the Box Brownie (1900), coinciding almost exactly with the reign of Queen Victoria.


Throughout the course we will be using replica Victorian cameras and genuine Victorian era lenses, with a temporary darkroom, where everyone will be able to see and try out the processes. Participants should be prepared to sit as models as well as take photos, and everyone will get their own portraits to take home. You will learn a LOT about photography, lighting, exposure, composition, styling, the effects of aperture, shutter speed, and all the media outlined above. We hope that you will rediscover photography with a renewed and deepened understanding and enthusiasm!


Tutors:  Pete & Simon (Teddington Tintype), run a photographic portrait studio using the historic wet plate collodion process.

Course Fee:  £230

Times:  7 – 9pm

Dates:  16, 23, 30 April, 7, 14, 21 May

Online Booking:


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