Hampton School
We are a lively, friendly and caring community, where innovative teaching is underpinned by strong shared values and complemented by outstanding pastoral care. We aspire to enable our boys not only to make sense of the world but also to want to go out and improve it.
Hampton School
Hanworth Road
TW12 3HD
Main School Number 020 8979 5526
Bursary 020 8979 0476
Admissions 020 8979 9273 (open 9am – 12 noon during the summer holidays)
School Shop 020 8941 0035
Exams Office (current students only) 020 8783 4027
Website Office 020 8783 4022
The Hammond Theatre 020 8783 4418
Music Office 020 8783 4200
For general information info@hamptonschool.org.uk
To contact members of staff staff@hamptonschool.org.uk
Information for new or prospective pupils admissions@hamptonschool.org.uk
Alumni Information alumni@hamptonschool.org.uk
The Hammond Theatre enquiries@thehammondtheatre.co.uk
For comments about this website website@hamptonschool.org.uk
For Archive matters a.esmond@hamptonschool.org.uk
Website: https://hamptonschool.org.uk/