Latest NewsPhotosplanningRichmond CouncilTransport

Cycle stands encourage greener journeys

NewsWalking around the High Street lately, you may have noticed a few additions to the pavement – newly installed cycle stands.

In a drive to promote fitness and more environmentally friendly transport, Richmond Council have installed 200 new cycle stands in town centres in the last year. A further 200 have appeared in schools and more in parks and other areas.

Teddington currently has had the most installed with over 40 new racks which are proving to be very popular indeed – on some days it’s actually difficult to find free spaces. Locals are using the racks to travel into the centre for shopping and also to keep their bike safe during their working day.

This roll-out is part of the £5 million Smarter Travel in Richmond scheme sponsored by Transport for London.

Its aim is to encourage members of the public to help cut carbon emissions by swapping their cars for either public transport of walking/cycling.


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