
Volunteers needed for litter pick

EventsTeddington Society’s “TIDY Group” litter-pick will take place this Friday, 11th September.

Volunteers are always needed to add to the task force so if you could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Similar events are held each year at different sites by the Environmental Group of the Society, headed up by David Lawton. It aims to keep Teddington looking its best by dealing with issues such as litter, graffiti, fly-tipping, fly-posting and recycling – most recently taxi fly-posting on lamposts, A-board and general pavement issues.

This particular clean-up kicks-off at 5pm right at the heart of Teddington – Elmfield House. The area around here and Jubilee Gardens will be cleaned and resource permitting, some areas of the High Street, Waldegrave Road and Station Road.

[Update] Solid numbers turned turned up to help tidy the gardens. The yellow-clad helpers managed to extract nine bags of litter and three of recyclables from the area. The next planned clean-up is on the 21st September at the Cedar Road recycling site.


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