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Teddnet celebrates its first anniversary

Teddnet, Teddington’s Network of Independent Workers is just about to celebrate its 1st Birthday.

The network has a growing army of members, most of whom said they think they will be able to recommend new members next year, so the team are hoping for a big expansion in 2010.

Teddnet’s Christmas survey reported lots of positive news from members who are enjoying being part of a professional network and some of whom have even received more work and enquiries as a result of their listing. The Christmas prize draw was won by member William Redfern, who is a Design Consultant based in Hampton and has won a year’s free subscription to Teddnet. You can read more about William at his website

The Teddnet team have lots of ideas for developing the site and the network next year. If you’re a local independent worker not yet listed, and would like to become part of this exciting venture, have a look on and see if there is anyone on it who can recommend you either personally or professionally. It only costs £10 for a year’s membership.

And if you need the services of a local professional to help you .. you know where to look.


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