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Station fencing update

PlanningProtests to Network Rail continue about the new fences at Teddington Station but Richard Glanville (Community Relations) has written to the Teddington Society to explain the reasons for the fences which they still have no intention of changing:

“Whilst I appreciate that the residents were hoping to retain the old fence, safety must remain Network Rail’s highest priority. It is therefore imperative that we maintain fences to our standard. If fences no longer meet our safety standard, they have to be replaced. There have been instances of trespass and fly-tipping, and the fence line runs alongside the track, so it is vital that we protect the public.”

In addition to the fences recently installed, the last of the original blue iron fences will be also replaced with the newer standard chain-link fences.

Some good news though – the barbed wire will be removed, the platform will have additional planting and in partnership with South West Trains the footbridge will get a long-overdue windows replacement and re-paint.


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