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Teddington In Flower 2011

EventsThis year’s Teddington In Flower event will take place on Sunday 12th June 2-6pm.

Organised by the Teddington Society, the event has been going strong since 1973 and is not to be confused with Richmond Borough In Bloom which will be judged in July.

Map of the gardens:
Or download the printable list.

Hundreds of people will be visiting the much-loved and well-pruned gardens around Teddington on the day whilst raising funds for local charities. The Mayor will be joining the garden tour at 2pm and will visit as many gardens as the she can – with 13 venues this year there’s a lot to see. Included on the day will be Collis School Nature Trail and St Mary’s Parish Church Flower Festival & Bell Ringing.

Refreshments and plants will be for sale in some gardens, entrance fee of 50p per garden. Proceeds to The Friendship Club at the Strathmore Centre, Home-Start Richmond and other local causes.


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