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TBC – uniting the businesses of Teddington

EventsThere has recently been a move to enlarge the remit of the Teddington Business Community so that Teddington will benefit from a stronger business association.

The association aims to promote and protect the businesses in our back yard – the most visible examples are our celebrated high street shops, restaurants and pubs but there are many that operate in offices, above shops and from homes. All of these would benefit from regular contact with others and being a member of a group that has their interests at its heart.

This year will see a huge shift for the TBC – a steering committee is now in place and a constitution and strategy has been created based on feedback from initial meetings. Regular meetings, networking and social events will start to appear on the calendar for members.

Working groups and three distinct branches of business type have been set-up to help communication and ultimately so that each is represented at meetings – these are: retailers with shop fronts, commercial/professional operating from commercial premises and those that operate from home. Groups also include non-commercial organisations such as schools & educational establishments, police, charities, associations.

The first meeting of the newly formed group will take place on Wednesday 15th June (6:30pm) at Teddington Baptist Church. This will be an opportunity to participate in the building of the new association and feedback any ideas or problems you have.

Various roles and board members will need to be voted for at future meetings so if you have experience, skills or just a passion in relevant areas, you might want to volunteer your services.

Although yet to be decided, TBC Members are likely to benefit from features such as:
• Inclusion in a Teddington Business Directory
• Appearing on a dedicated TBC website
• Access to the members forum
• Networking events
• Business support
• Social events
• Ask the expert surgeries
• Vouchers/promotions/offers
• A dedicated events team

For further info or to RSVP to this meeting in June, email:


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