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Richmond Borough In Bloom 2011 results

NewsThe winners of this year’s Richmond Borough In Bloom (RBIB) have been announced and this includes many homes and businesses in Teddington.

Now in its 21st year, the group’s purpose is to enhance the natural beauty of the Borough through floral display in all residential and shopping areas. RBIB members represent residential community groups, horticultural societies and business associations from the different ‘villages’ of the Borough.

Winners of awards from Teddington are:

  • Gold in Front Gardens: Christine Land (30 Arlington Road)
  • Silver in Front Gardens: Steve Gilbert & Paul Draper (15C Avenue Road), Catherine Ridler (136 Waldegrave Road) and Shirley Meaker (40 Udney Park Road)
  • Gold in Residential Frontages: Mrs Leah Gold (49 Bucklands Road) and Michael Langrish (9 North Lane – pictured here)
  • Bronze in Residentail Frontages: Mis Diana MacDonald (Allbrook Cottage, Allbrook Close)
  • Bronze in Block of Flats: Atbara Court and 133-254 Harrowdene Gardens
  • Gold, Silver and Bronze in Community Building respectively: Sacred Heart RC Church (Kingston Rd), Royal British Legion Club (High Street), Teddington Methodist Church & Community Centre (Church Road)
  • Bronze in Pubs: Mason’s Arms
  • Silver in Businesses: Kindle Stoves (Station Road)

This year Richmond Borough has been nominated to represent London at the national “Britain in Bloom” level. Judges marked the area on visual impact, environmental responsibility, sustainable planting, efforts to encourage wildlife, use of resources and community participation.

Richmond Council has praised efforts by plant-lovers across the borough who have been planting and sprucing up their gardens and public areas in preparation for the Britain in Bloom judges who visited the borough earlier this month on a three-hour tour.

Many local community projects have been appearing across the borough which helped make the area look it’s best for the national judging.

As well as the borough competing against 76 national finalists, Richmond itself is up against Bury, Stockton, York and Wrexham for the city award. The London In Bloom winners will be announced on the 16th of September and overall national winners will be announced on September 25th by the Royal Horticultural Society.

[Update] Sadly Richmond broough didn’t win the national title but was awarded a Silver Gilt.


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