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Reminder: second public Memorial Hospital Meeting

EventsIf you’re not already aware, a second public meeting is being held by The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital and local General Practitioners for the community on Thursday 2nd February 2012, 7-9pm at Teddington Baptist Church regarding the future of Teddington Memorial Hospital.

This event follows on from the successful public meeting held in November 2011 at the church, where 350 people attended to discuss the possible future of the hospital.

At the February meeting, a presentation on the work and progress by The League of Friends, including the exploration of developing a Social Enterprise Model of ownership for the hospital. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for the community to put forward their views about the future of the hospital.

An online petition has also been sent up by The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital providing another way for the community to show their support.

[Update 06/02/2012] You can now download a summary of what was discussed on the evening including thoughts from Dr Graham Lewis MBE, advisor Zac Arif and MP Vince Cable and news that the online petition has now received over 12,000 signatures.

Pamela Bryant MBE, Chairman of The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital presenting at the meeting with the panel (left to right):
Zac Arif, Advisor to the League, Julian Naylor, Trustee and Company Secretary of the League, Baroness Hilton, Chairman of Teddington Society and General Practitioner Dr Graham Lewis MBE and Dr Kate Moore

Dr Graham Lewis MBE giving his presentation


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