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Lantern Procession and Christmas Doors

EventsThe Christmas Lantern Procession will return to the streets of Teddington this Sunday, 14th December 2014. Local groups from schools, Brownies, Junior rugby club and Park Lane Stables Pony club and charity Stepping on Out have been attending lantern-making workshops to create their star-shaped lanterns that will be paraded on the night.

The procession will start on Broad Street (hospital end) and this and surrounding roads will be closed from 4pm. The procession itself will be led by Santa on his sleigh, pulled along by the Teddington Rugby team and followed up by the Park Lane Stable ponies & elves and lantern-bearing locals. The parade will finish outside of the Baptist Church on Church Road where everyone will be invited to join in with carols by candlelit lanterns.

Last year’s lantern procession. Photo: John Frye.

Santa will also be available for visits as well as Else and Anna from Frozen at Play Inside Out. Broad Street will re-open to traffic at 6pm, The Causeway will remain closed until 8pm and drinks and gifts will available until this time. Proceeds from the event will go to the Teddington-based charity Stepping on Out and the Teddington and Hamptons Rotary Club’s local charities.

Also returning this year is the Christmas Doors of Teddington advent hunt – organised by Teddington Baptist Chuch.

23 charming miniature doors can be found around town, each with a Christmas surprise behind them, forming a real-life advent calendar and door 24 is the Nativity Scene at the Baptist Church. Upon finding each door you will be given a sticker for your collecting leaflet (available at any of the participating businesses) and a prize at the 24th door (available all throughout December).

Participating businesses:

01. Play Inside Out
10. Teds
13. Sidra Patisserie
21. Teddington Tailors
22. Milestone Residential


These initiatives are managed and sponsored by the Teddington Business Community

[Update] Photos of the Lantern Procession can be found here and here.


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