Prolific flytipper faces prison thanks to Richmond Council’s enforcement team
An environmental menace who ran an illegal waste management business by flytipping rubbish across the borough and surrounding area has been brought to justice.
Ryan Smith collected waste for payment and dodged disposal costs by flytipping rubbish he collected from commercial businesses in Twickenham, Staines and Redbridge in 2015.
Smith, of The Sidings, Leacroft, Staines pleaded guilty to a catalogue of offences at Guilford Crown Court last Monday.
The charges in detail included three flytipping offences committed in Twickenham, another five offences committed in Staines and one offence in Redbridge.
The 36-year-old will return to the same court for sentencing on 15 February. He was warned at Monday’s plea and case management hearing that he is ‘likely’ to face a custodial sentence.
The maximum prison sentence for flytipping is five years and the fine can be unlimited.
Richmond Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Pamela Fleming, said:
“Richmond is the most beautiful place to live in the country and we will leave no stone unturned when it comes to prosecuting vandals who damage our environment.
“Flytipping is a criminal offence and I hope this case sends a clear message to the small minority of people who chose to dispose of waste illegally and for illicit gain.”
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