EventsTeddington Events

NPL to open doors to the public next month

The National Physical Laboratory will open it’s doors on May 17th to showcase their research along with a whole host of other events.

The staff at the laboratory will be their to explain how their research benefits the U.K.

There’ll be hands-on demonstrations on their scientific measurements along with other insights into their technology.

They will also open:

  • The International Prototype Kilogram and the Kibble balance, which will replace it next year
  • Biometric recognition lab – helping to test biometric systems for both government and industry
  • Optical atomic clocks – showing the development of the next generation in time-keeping

There will be a series of short talks throughout the day on NPL, measurement, different units of measurements and the impact of our science.

You must book tickets to attend this event. Tickets are £3 for adults and please let us know how many children (under 16 years of age) will accompany you for free. All the money will go to Cancer Research UK.



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