Planning/Richmond Council

Sir Mo Farah among top names to oppose building on Udney Park

Sir Mo Farah, the CEO of Team GB, Sport England & London Playing Fields Foundation have all objected to building on Udney Park Playfig Fields.

Since Imperial College London sold the playing fields to Quantum, a private equity company, the plans have been opposed widely by local residents.

With Quantum aiming to concrete over the popular fields to build  four story apartments, locals are campaigning to keep the area much more community based.

Quantum, a Dorset based Private Equity company, bought the playing fields from Imperial College London in 2015 for approximately £6 million.

They intend to build more than 100 luxury flats and reduce the sporting area by 50%, which will reduce the number of football pitches and rugby fields, and eliminate all cricket.

Sir Mo Farah wrote;

“Community team sport really matters, and community sport in Teddington is one of the reasons that makes the area so special. Kids that get into enjoying sport when they are young tend to stay involved in sport.

“Playing Fields are really important and it is vital that we protect them for this generation and future generations. London 2012 inspired greater participation in community sport and local clubs often have waiting lists for kids, we need every inch of space for sport at Udney Park to be saved from development.”

Lord Beaverbrook’s grandson, Jack Kidd, added: ”

“I am outraged that Udney Park Playing Fields, given by my Grandfather Lord Beaverbrook, has been snatched by greedy property developers.  This land was donated for amateur sport by my generous family and we will do everything in our power to prevent a developer smashing the covenants put in place to protect this gift to Teddington. 

 “Sorry to be so aggressive but twenty two years as a professional sportsman has taught me not to beat around the bush.  Please do not dishonor the charitable wishes of Lord Beaverbrook, who played a vital role in both Allied victories by serving in two World War cabinets, with his best friend Churchill.

“How dare any developer challenge a donors clear intentions, Udney Park was given for sport and all of it must be retained for sport. I strongly Object to this disgraceful Planning Application to build over part of a War Memorial Playing Field that is precious urban green belt.”

You can sign a petition to oppose Quantum’s plans here.


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