
Local resident plans ‘Community Action Day’

Local resident Stephanie Stewart-Duncan is setting up a Community Action Day for neighbours of Hawkins, Addison, Borland and Down Road & Kingston Lane.

Her message on the day to raise community spirit is as follows…

A day for the residents of Hawkins Road, Addison Road, Down Road and Kingston Lane in Teddington. For the last 10 months or so there has been allot of anti-social behaviour around the estate and especially in the playground area.

I have been working very closely with the local police; Nick Cheadle & David Auld (Hampton Wick Safer Neighbourhoods DWO) and Jim Millard (our newly appointed Lib Dem Councillor) to try and improve the local area and find ways to improve the local environment. Both Nick and David have done an amazing job and the residents are starting to feel happier and safer.

I thought it would be a great idea to organise a community day on the 14th July where the residents could get to know each other so we feel more united together, whilst improving the local area.

I intend on organising a litter pick up, a fly tipping amnesty, weeding and a general tidy up of the local roads mentioned but the focus would be on the playground. I would like to plant some new plants, fruit trees and get the kids involved in planting a herb / vegetable patch etc etc.

All these things I feel would help improve the local area, and hopefully make the residents feel proud of where they live so if they see any anti-social behaviour in the future they are not afraid to report it or even speak to the people in person.  I really want to make our area great again and feel this activity will help unite everyone!


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