Disabled Living Foundation working with DeafPlus in Teddington
The Disabled Living Foundation and DeafPlus teamed up to provide a talk to DeafPlus service users in Teddington.
The talks provide information on daily living equipment and other useful advice for people who might need some help in living their lives to the full. They are all run by deafPLUS , with the help of many interesting speakers who talk about coping with hearing loss. This includes DLF’s amazing volunteers who are travelling around London spreading the word! DeafPlus holds a rolling course called ‘Living with Hearing Loss’ for people with hearing loss around London, to reach their vision: To see an accessible world for deaf and hard of hearing people by removing barriers to communication. We are very much looking forward to our continued partnership, with three more talks already booked in for the new year! If you would like to participate or hold any of these free courses, please contact Zoe Fudge Ajadi at zoe.fudge-ajadi@deafplus.org. To become one of our volunteers please do get in touch with Eleanor Meagher the Disabled Living Volunteer Coordinator at Eleanor.meagher@dlf.org.uk