What are the Best Ways to Make Money from Home?
There’s no doubt that the coronavirus outbreak has taken hold in the UK of late, with more than 47,000 cases reported and in excess of 4,000 deaths.
Not only does the outbreak represent a significant health crisis, however, but it continues to cause significant socio-economic and financial issues nationwide. Despite government intervention, many people have found themselves on reduced income or simply unable to work, particularly with social distancing requiring the closure of retail establishments and similar outlets.
In this post, we’ll ask how you can strive to make money from home during the coronavirus outbreak and boost your earning potential while at home.
1. Get Paid to Google
While this may sound strange, it really is possible to open an income stream simply by browsing content on Google!
One company that offers this opportunity in Qmee, which effectively serves as an add-on to your existing browser. Once installed on your browser (usually Chrome), this will work seamlessly in the background as you continue to Google, while brining up additional and relevant results in relation to specific keyword searches.
When you click on one of these integrated results, you’ll earn between £0.07p and £0.15p on average, and up to £1 in some instances. Your earned income will then be paid regularly through PayPal.
2. Sell Your Old Clothes and Assets Online
If you are stuck at home and unable to work, you may want to consider clearing out your wardrobe and any additional clutter to create a viable income stream.
Remember, many other people may be stuck at home as a result of coronavirus, and this creates a growing audience that you can target with your unwanted clothes and possessions.
There are also numerous sites through which you can sell such items, with eBay, Shpock, Facebook Marketplace and Depop amongst the most popular and rewarding.
The key is to identify the items that offer value to potential buyers and are in resaleable condition, as these entities will optimise your income and profitability over time (while taking any associated listing fees into account).
3. Trade Cryptocurrency
If there’s one entity that continues to offer money-making potential during the coronavirus (and indeed any kind of socio-economic crisis), it’s the financial market.
This is especially true when trading assets that are classed as derivatives, as they enable you to operate without assuming ownership of an underlying financial instrument and profit even in a depreciating market.
It’s also easier than ever to trade digital and fiat currencies in the digital age, with online forex broker platforms offering access to real-time orders and high-frequency trading opportunities.
Just remember that knowledge is your single biggest weapon as a currency trader, however, and it’s crucial that you strive to build this incrementally and utilise a demo account before you start to invest with your hard-earned cash.