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Extra Support To Help People Access Food And Essentials

Three local voluntary organisations have been awarded over £120,000 to help residents who are struggling to afford food and other essential items due to Covid-19.

The funding should enable further cash grants, vouchers and food and hygiene parcels to be given to local residents who have been affected by COvid-19.

Citizens Advice Richmond, Richmond AID and RUILS have banded together to offer co-ordinated offer of support. The funding will help to pay for:

  • Cash and vouchers for individuals and families towards cost of food and essential items.
  • Enhanced advice service to help residents manage their situation and access longer support.
  • RUILS@ Food and Hygiene Hub providing people who are unable to go to the shops, self-isolating or cannot afford food essential supplies.  

Sadly with the furlough scheme coming to an end, there will be a rise in unemployment. Cllr Michael Wilson, Spokesperson for Communities, Equalities and Voluntary Sector has said “ Since the start of the pandemic, the response to this crisis from local volunteer groups has been brilliant. Thousands and thousands of food parcels have been delivered to people all over the borough…we anticipate that the demands on food and other essentials will continue throughout the winter.”

If you need help accessing food or other supplies, contact:

Households with children that are affected by COVID-19 and experiencing financial hardship can apply to the Richmond COVID-19 Hardship Fund for supermarket vouchers.

The Council also provides grants through the Local Assistance Scheme for residents experiencing financial hardship.


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