Plans to reduce road traffic in the Royal Parks
A public consultation has been opened by The Royal Parks to make some of their temporary traffic reduction schemes more permanent.
Five trials were conducted across six of the parks by The Royal parks. These trials consisted of closing sections of the roads on 15th August. They also included making The Mall car-free on weekends during daylight hours and opening up car-free spaces for visitors to enjoy a natural environment setting.
The trials have been confirmed to last six months, finishing in February 2021.
Greenwich Park: The Avenue to be closed full-time to motor vehicle traffic.
Hyde Park: A full-time closure to motor vehicle traffic on North Carriage Drive. As well as an additional trial of an extended closure on South Carriage Drive (between Prince of Wales Gate and Queen Elizabeth Gate) on Saturdays, in addition to the current Sunday closures.
St James’s Park and Green Park: Closing The Mall and Constitution Hill to motor vehicle traffic on Saturdays until dusk, in addition to the regular Sunday and Bank Holiday closures.
Richmond Park: On weekdays, restricting all cut-through motor vehicle traffic between Broomfield Hill Car Park and Robin Hood Car Park and a full-time closure of the motor vehicle link between Sheen Gate and Sheen Cross. Additionally, on weekends the trial will restrict all cut-through motor vehicle traffic between Roehampton, Sheen and Richmond Gates to create a quiet zone on the north side of the park.
Bushy Park: A full-time closure of part of Chestnut Avenue between Teddington and Hampton Court Gates to motor vehicle traffic.
The consultation runs until 10 January 2021 – and can be read here.