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Councils Have Power To Close Pubs And Restaurants

The Government has allow councils in England to close public spaces, shops, restaurants and bars until 17 July 2021

Changes were made as part of a lockdown review by Health Secretary Matt Hancock, and entail an extension of a law that was due to expire soon.

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No.3) Regulations 2020 was a law initially introduced in July of 2020.

The law allows English local authorities to limit access to or close premises and public spaces in its area to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Due to expire last week, the Health Secretary has extended the law until 17 July.

The move comes after PM Boris Johnson said that “it’s too early to say when we’ll be able to lift some of the restrictions”, and may come as a blow to those hoping for an easing of restrictions by summer.


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