Reminder to be responsible when socialising
Residents and visitors are urged to be responsible when socialising and enjoying the borough’s parks, open spaces and outdoor hospitality venues.
To keep yourself and others safe, please remember to follow Government guidance on social distancing and the rule of six or two households.
Recently large and antisocial gatherings have taken place in some of the borough’s open spaces. The Council is working with the Police to stop these incidents from occurring and two additional Parkguard officers will be patrolling the Richmond Town Centre area.
If you are socialising in the borough’s public spaces, you are reminded of the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) that focus on antisocial behaviour and tackling nuisances such as excessive consumption of alcohol, public urination and defecation, and damage to land. Dropping or depositing litter on any open land is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Fixed Penalty Notices of £80 are given for offences under the PSPO.
It is important everyone enjoys themselves and supports local businesses as the country takes another stride back towards normality. If you are planning on visiting the borough’s bars, pubs and restaurants, plan and book ahead where possible to avoid disappointment. Remember to take a face covering and check in to venues using the NHS COVID-19 application on your phone.
For further information on keeping yourself and others safe and meeting friends and family outdoors, go to: (COVID-19) Coronavirus restrictions: what you can and cannot do – GOV.UK (