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Country Food Trust CEO SJ Hunt (centre) with Gavin Emsden (left) and Simon Brake (right) from Mighty Convoy

Four donated former NHS ambulances packed with 10,000 ambient Venison and pasta meals are being driven by British charity volunteer workers from Teddington to Lviv tomorrow (Friday April 28th) provide urgent medical support and much needed food.

The 1251-mile trip, which will take 23 hours, has been organised by the British food charity The Country Food Trust, who supply high protein nutritious meals free for foodbanks in the UK. They also supply raw meat to community kitchens who are cooking daily hot meals to help feed people in need.

The 10,000 donated ‘Country Bolognese’ meals, which were specially made by Holmesterne Foods in Brompton on Swale in the Prime Minister’s constituency of Richmond, Yorkshire, are ideal as the Venison Bolognese and cooked pasta are sealed in pouches, can be eaten hot or cold and heated in boiling water. This is especially important as it allows people hiding underground or out in the field without electricity or gas to eat.

The four former NHS ambulances carrying the food will also be donated to the people of Lviv to provide urgent medical assistance. They have been bought by donations from members of the public and reconditioned especially for working in war torn Ukraine. The cost of the food and the four ambulances was nearly £50,000.

The aid mission, called Operation Mighty Convoy, will depart from Teddington, London at 8am on Friday April 28th. The journey will take the convoy through the Eurotunnel to Calais, through France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Poland and then into Ukraine.

The ambulances were secured and refurbished by not-for-profit organisation Mighty Convoy Limited. This will be their third convoy to Ukraine, bringing the total number of donated ambulances to 11.

Eight volunteers, including the CEO of the County Food Trust charity, SJ Hunt, will take turns to drive the ambulances to Lviv and expect to arrive on Saturday lunchtime on April 29th.

Operation Mighty Convoy has the backing of the Ukrainian Embassy in London.

This is not the first time the Country Food Trust has donated its nutritious meals to Ukraine. 

Following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, The Country Food Trust launched a dedicated Ukraine appeal to raise funds to make the meals and send them to those in need. Their nutritional pouches were perfect for the conditions being experienced in the crisis as they need no refrigeration and can be eaten either cold or, if heated amongst other ways as rudimentary as a pot of river water over an open fire.

One of the 10,000 donated ‘Country Bolognese’ meals going to Ukraine.

The campaign raised enough funds to provide 25,200 Venison ragu and pasta meals.

The pallets were shipped into Ukraine in April 2022 directly as part of Operation Manna 2022 as the site of departure RAF Binbrook was in fact the same location used for Operation Manna in 1945, which was a humanitarian aid drop of vital supplies into Holland during their occupation by the Nazis.

Charity Food Trust CEO SJ Hunt said: “We were all touched by the plight of Ukraine and wanted to do all we could to help its people in their stand against Russian aggression.

“We heard about the great work of Mighty Convoy and when they approached us for food to take, we quickly realised our meals were ideal for the conditions out there. The 10,000 meals we’re taking have been specially adapted for Ukraine by adding cooked pasta for a better balance of protein and carbohydrates.

“The pouches provide a complete, protein-rich, ambient meal that can be eaten hot or cold. They also have a one-year shelf life and do not need to be refrigerated.

“It’ll be a long drive to Lviv but we’re all going to take turns to drive so we can get the ambulances and food to the people who need it within 24 hours.”

Simon Brake from Mighty Convoy added: “When the invasion happened, we wanted to do our bit. We heard that they needed medical aid and ambulances. We sourced three ambulances, reconditioned them and did our first convoy last August followed by another convoy of four ambulances in January.

“This time we wanted to take food with the ambulances, and someone told us about the Country Food Trust and their protein rich ambient meals.

“They were able make an incredibly generous donation of 10,000 specially produced high-protein meals to take to our partners, the Christian Medical Association of Ukraine (CMAU).

“The CMAU will distribute these meals to people, both medical and non-medical, in and around the front lines, as the design and portability allows for people operating in the field to carry a few of these food pouches and have a protein rich meal when they would normally have to do without.

“We’re delighted that the Country Food Trust’s CEO has joined our team of drivers. All our drivers volunteer their time and pay for their own expenses and flights back, which is greatly appreciated and allows us to spend all our donations on ambulances and fuel costs.”

Ukrainian Irina Webb, who helped raise money to buy the ambulances transporting the food, said: “Some people are having to survive underground where it’s not possible to cook meals as access to gas and electricity is sporadic. These meals are ideal as they can be boiled in the bag on an open fire.

“Ukrainians have a strong spirit and have weathered the invasion for over a year. Providing these meals and ambulances will make a real difference to them.”

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Johnny Mercer MP said: “This is a remarkable gesture of support for the people of Ukraine. The British public have opened their hearts, homes and wallets to help Ukrainians for over a year and its humbling to see that unconditional support continue.

“I’d like to praise the Country Food Trust and Mighty Convoy for organising this donation for the people of Lviv. They truly are the best of British.”

The FCDO continues to advise against travel to Ukraine. The latest travel advice can be read here:

Since the Country Food’ Trust’s launch in 2015, it’s ensured over 2.8 million meals have been distributed to food banks and community kitchens across the UK made from an incredible 485 tonnes of game meat donated from UK estates. Its meals have supported more than 3,500 charities.


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