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Teddington Memorial surrounded by wreaths after the Remembrance Sunday service


Crowds fell silent for The Last Post trumpet tribute
Standards were lowered at 11am traditional silence
Special Order of Service for Remembrance Sunday
March from the RBL led by Rev David Cloake and local MP Munira Wilson


An estimated crowd of 1000 people gathered around the war memorial which stands outside Teddington Memorial Hospital for today’s traditional Remembrance Sunday service.

The inscription on the stone pillar says “The Glorious Dead” with a tribute list of those who gave their lives underneath.

A row of flag standards representing different local organisations stood directly in front of the memorial with a band from the Salvation Army accompanying the hymns.

A special order of service was distributed amongst the respectful and quiet poppy-wearing group.

The Remembrance Sunday service included special prayers and tributes to the Armed Forces and a single trumpeter performed The Last Post as the standards were slowly lowered in front of the memorial.

The Rev David Cloake read the famous words: “When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we have our today.”

In a special laying of the wreaths ceremony, many local groups were represented including the Police, the Teddington Society, The Royal Navy, The Royal British Legion, The Rotary Club, St John’s Ambulance, Explorer Scout, Units, Turing School, Jamaican Wreath, the RNLI, Teddington District Guides and various scout groups.

The march began outside the HQ of the Royal British Legion and including representatives of the Army, The Royal Navy, the RNLI,  Sea Cadets as well as representatives of local Scout groups, Brownies and support groups and walked slowly up High Street and Broad Street as crowds lined the street and followed behind.

A poppy-wearing pony from Park Lane Stables brought up the rear



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