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Friends of Bushy and Home Parks is delighted to announce the launch of its first Park Art Competition.

Supported by Landmark Art Centre, the competition is open to any amateur artist from seven years old and upwards. The aim is to showcase the most “Inspiring Elements” of either Bushy or Home Park that will encourage others to explore and respect the beauty of the parks.

Entries are welcome for 2D pieces of artwork (all media is accepted except photography) no larger than A2. Artists are encouraged to get creative and capture their favourite scenic view or a detailed study of a plant or animal from either Bushy Park or Home Park.

Artwork should have been created this year, either in the studio based on photographs, or during a visit to one of the parks.

To make things easy, entries will be submitted digitally (take a photo of the artwork on your phone) from 10th June until July 31st 2024.

Chosen shortlisted entries will be then exhibited at the Landmark Art Centre from September 12th – 15th 2024 for people to view and vote for your favourite to win the “People’s Choice Award”.

The winners of each category will be announced at an early evening reception on September 14th. The judges will be made up of selected representatives of the local arts and the park communities, plus management of Landmark and Friends of Bushy and Home Parks.

Categories for judging include:

·         7–11 year-olds (no entry fee required)

·         11–18 year-olds (no entry fee required)

·         19 years plus – Studio based-study (admin fee required)

·         19 years plus – En plein air study (photo proof and admin fee required)

·         Additionally, there will be a public vote during the exhibition for the “People’s Choice Award”.

There are fantastic prizes to win. Adult winners in each category and the People’s Choice Award will receive a cash prize (supported by Teddington Community Lottery, a guided nature/history walk with refreshments (donated by Colicci’s), free 12-month membership to the Friends of Bushy and Home Parks and the Landmark Art Centre. The highly commended and the winners of the children’s categories will receive cash prizes.

For more information and how to enter, please go to The Friends of Bushy and Home Parks website:

Contact: Rebecca Harvey



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