The Teddington Society has launched a new website to support its growing number of members and improve its Tidings newsletter.
The latest autumn version features highlights of the Village Fair in June as well as details of future events including a talk by Park Lane Stables Natalie O’Rourke on September 10.
Membership rates are £10 for an individual, £15 for a couple and £25 for corporate members.
You can renew, join and review your membership details at membermojo.co.uk/tedsoc by entering your email address.
The latest magazine includes an introduction to local wine expert Peter Lunzer and the charity Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston as well fantastic photo images from Bushy Park.
The newsletter includes updates on the local history, garden, planning, environment, riverside groups including the Teddington footbridge upgrade and the controversial Thames Water Teddington Direct River Abstraction (TDRA) plan.
There’s also news of upcoming events such as Board Game evenings, coffee mornings at the Park Hotel, the Strawberry Hill House Flower Festival and future Teddington Theatre Club productions and Teddington Artists Contemporary Arts Fair at the Awesome Studios.
The new website is www.teddingtonsociety.org