
How to Keep Your Flowers Fresh for Longer

Flowers are the best way to lighten up your interior by creating a statement bouquet for the central table in the living room or any other significant place in your home. However, these are fragile creatures that can wilt quickly if you ignore them for a while. Whenever I receive my flowers, I adopt these flower care tips that I have mentioned in this blog post, so my flowers stay fresh for longer and I get enough time to admire their beauty. If you want fresh and vibrant flowers for your home, click here to get them at your doorstep. Let’s get started with my flower care tips for your healthy blooms. 

Steps to Keep Your Flowers Fresh for Longer

Here are the step-by-step guidelines for efficiently taking care of your blooms and keeping them fresh for a significant period.

  • Prepare Your Flowers

Before putting the flowers in the vase, ensure that the flowers are clean and good to go in a vase. Remove any damaged or wilted flowers as they can compromise the appearance of your arrangement while serving as an unwanted competitor of flower nutrients. Moreover, cut the stems at a tilted angle so the flowers can sip plenty of clean water to keep them fresh. Remove foliage from the part of the stem that is dipped in the water as it can rot there and facilitate the growth of bacteria which can further clog the vascular bundles of the flowers hindering their freshness. 

  • Prepare your Vase

It is not usual to get a beautiful flower to adorn your home. Hence, you need to ensure that your bouquet should be the attention grabber in your home. Whether it is a monochrome or a colorful bouquet, a beautiful vase can change its entire outlook. Choose the vase according to the size and number of the flowers, so the bouquet is set well in it. Clean it with soap and water and air dry it completely.

  • Condition the Water

The next step is adding the water to the vase. Lukewarm tap water is good to go for your flowers. However, the amount of water depends on the nature of the stems of the flowers. If you have roses with woody stems, two-thirds of the water is enough while the soft-wooded tulip fills up half of the vase. Condition it with commercial flower feed to supplement the essential nutrients to help them thrive for a long time. Avoid alternatives like vodka or lemonade that can do more harm than good like clogging the stem tissues and resulting in a dead plant.

  • Add your Flowers

Once your vase is ready with the appropriate amount of flower food and water level, next is no adding flowers to the vase. Do not add too many flowers that can cause the arrangement to suffocate to death or too few flowers that end up falling apart. Keep the vase in the appropriate place where no direct sunlight can damage the flowers. Moreover, it should be at a noticeable place in your home like the side tables in your bedroom where you can enjoy their presence.

  • Give Some Regular Checkups

Caring for the flowers is not a one-time task. Even when you have created a healthy arrangement with the above tips, regular checking is crucial. If the water has turned cloudy or there is a drop in its level, refill the vase with clean water. Remove any dead and decaying flowers and foliage, so the healthy ones are not damaged by their toxins. 

Final Words

In conclusion, it is easier to keep your flowers fresh for a long time by adopting these simple flower care tips. All these steps ensure that your flowering is sipping clean water containing the essential nutrients to help it thrive longer. Moreover, it eliminates anything that can clog the vascular bundles and promote the wilting of flowers. In London funeral flowers can be cheaper and brilliant options to embellish your home. Get your flowers ready with the above guide and gain your mental well-being with a healthy environment. 



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