
20:00 - 21:15



Event Type


Njinga Cycling, an Indoor Cycling and performance lab, are launching an indoor cycling programme in their Hampton Wick studio on the 27th September until the 13th November 2017. Their programme, specifically designed by a British Cycling coach to produce results, will help you to become a stronger cyclist and guaranteed to improve your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Score over the course of the 8 weeks.

If you are looking to kick start your winter training and make 2018 your best season yet then Njinga cycling are offering a training programme like no other! Njinga’s state of the art Wattbikes will help transform your cycling, whilst their unique cycling community will challenge your limits with your fellow riders to set your best ever FTP test scores.

So why take part in this indoor training programme?

Njinga’s indoor training programme will provide:

• Pre & post physiological testing to track improvements
• Accurate training zones for power & heart rate
• Group indoor training, building confidence, with the focus on improving your functional threshold power test scores
• A more equal power distribution in your left vs right leg
• Increased leg strength
• Increased average speed and power
• Increased nutritional knowledge
• Unique sense of cycling community and camaraderie.

Njinga’s Train Smarter FTP Booster group indoor Training Programme is specifically designed by a British Cycling Coach to produce results and includes pre and post testing to track performance, a nutrition workshop, yoga credits, recovery smoothies after every session, progressive training and much more.

Njinga Cycling say this will be the best decision you make for your cycling but what do their rider’s think:

“I started an 8-week FTP booster course, and saw my cycling go from strength to strength, add over 5% to my FTP score (on a bad day) and I know there is plenty more to come.
The programme really develops you as a cyclist in technique, physical and mental strength and a level of confidence and discipline I hadn’t even thought about.”
Ruth Clarke
Type of Cyclist: Sportive / Endurance rider
Completed: Winter 2016 FTP Improver Group Training Programme

Njinga Cycling are gearing up for an unmissable 8 week indoor training programme so to be involved and for more information visit: or contact: today.


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