PhotosRichmond Council

Bank Holiday bin collection

If like me you always seem to forget, note that due to another gloriously long bank holiday weekend, recycling and waste collections will be one day behind this week.

So you can safely wait one more day before you fill your bins up and drag them to their pickup point.

Some might not be aware of the general rules for putting out waste so it’s worth browsing the Council website also for a quick refresher:

  • Please try to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible.
  • Please ensure you present your waste for collection in securely tied sacks or contained in a bin with a lid so that it is protected from scavenging animals and from causing litter. Placing a lid on your bin also prevents the bin from becoming waterlogged and people placing litter into it.
  • Put your waste out by 6am and leave it within your front garden.
  • Do not put your waste out for collection on a public footway or road if you have a front garden.
  • Wrap broken glass in a bag or box and label it so injury is not caused to collection staff.
  • Let Richmond Council know if your collection has been missed by calling 08456 122 660.
  • Contact Richmond Council if you would like us to dispose of clinical waste, bulky items or a fridge/freezer or garden waste

General waste & recycling information from Richmond Council.


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