Latest NewsNPL

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NewsA geographical study of unsolicited email messages has discovered that Teddington is the second most spammed town in the UK.

Narrowly pipped to the top spot by Alton, the study by online security firm MessageLabs found that towns such as Teddington that have high concentrations of small to medium sized businesses are more likely to be targeted by criminals because they are less likely to have spam filters in place.

Teddington-based e-Learning software company Intelligo have been short-listed for a prestigious award in the category “Excellence in the production of learning content – Private sector”.

NPL has also been winning awards – this year, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Research & Development Award. They have been winning either ‘highly commended’ or gold awards consistently each year from 2003 to present. The award “Proves a consistent commitment, and improvement, to good Health and Safety management over a prolonged period. They are also in recognition of all members of staff who have worked so hard over the years to improve Health and Safety at NPL.”

Finally unless you blinked and missed it, you may have noticed that in the latest iPhone “there’s an app for that” TV ad, the National Rail train information app shows it’s location as travelling through Teddington on the 7:35 to Waterloo via Richmond. Fame indeed.


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