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Police search for Barclays robber

NewsMore detail has emerged about the armed robbery at Barclays last week – what is now being dubbed a ‘silent raid’.

The man actually waited calmly in the queue with other customers before approaching the counter and handing over a note that read ‘I have a gun, give me everything you have’.

After noticing a gun-shaped item in a carrier bag, terrified staff handed over £2,000 before he left the bank turning right onto Broad Street.

Police say that the unidentified robber (pictured on CCTV here) has been linked to other offences at banks around Teddington in the last three years.

Anyone with any information should get in touch with DC Will Man (Flying Squad) tel: on 020 8247 4804 or call Crimestoppers anonymously: 0800 555 111.


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