Car clubs in Teddington
Additional car club parking spaces have appeared in Teddington that enable users to get ‘cheaper, greener, fairer travel’.
Car clubs offer privately owned ‘pool cars’ can can be booked by members at late notice (an hour before use) and be used for short trips or longer journeys of several days – proving to be cheaper than convention car hire. You can search for available cars near to your location then pay online or by phone per hour or distance travelled.
Car clubs are a great alternative for infrequent car users – negating the need and cost of owning a car which spends most of its life taxed, insured and taking up a parking space. Clubs are increasingly popular and are currently used by residents, visitors and businesses.
Richmond Upon Thames borough from three companies – City Car Club, Streetcar and Zipcar. Research has shown that each car club on average replaces 6-20+ privately owned vehicles.
Car club-only parking bays are installed with a 6 month consultation period in the borough before they become permanent. Also note that parking your own car in one of these spaces will result in a parking ticket!
Users normally pay a monthly or yearly fee, then per hours used / miles driven – you can calculate what making this switch might save you here.
Check the availability of nearby cars using this online map