Latest NewsNPL

NPL investigate new ultrasound

NewsNPL is investigating whether their new ultrasound technology can more successfully diagnose breast cancers better than current methods.

The new ultrasonic detector was developed by NPL and could improve diagnosis of breast cancers. Currently 1 out of 10 cancers in the under 35s age group currently go undetected and early detection is crucial to patients survival – this has driven development into new technologies and methods of screening.

NPLs new technology could eventually create more accurate 3D reconstructions of tissue – this would lead to more accurate decision-making without the need for physical biopsies (saving patient inconvenience and NHS money).

The National Institute of Health Research (NHS) is funding NPLs involvement with this research and leading breast screening specialists at the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust are also working with the Teddington-based laboratories.

As well as healthcare sector work such as the above, NPL is currently undertaking commercial work such as this unique study into improving wetsuits using thermal sensors.


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