Latest NewsPolice

Barclays Targeted Again

NewsBreaking news – police are again on the hunt for an armed raider after yet another robbery at the Teddington branch of Barclays.

The lone robber struck just after midday and the raid sounds very similar to the one only last month.

Police believe it is the same armed robber who stole £2,000 in April – this time he left with an unspecified amount of money, no-one was harmed during the raid but the suspect escaped.


0 thoughts on “Barclays Targeted Again

  • patricia denholm

    Sgt Denholm here (off duty) I missed the robber by 2 minutes. I’m on here to warn residents of teddington that I have just heard that there has been several man hole covers stolen in Harrowdene gardens Friday during the day. (sold on for scrap) This has been happening all over Surrey and I ask residents if they see any one tampering with a manhole cover, even if they looked legitimate with yellow jackeets on to ring 999 for us to check them out. Thanks


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