PhotosRiverRoyal ParksSchools & kids

This week in pictures

Some sights from Teddington over the last week or so.

It now seems like a lifetime ago that it was warm enough to sit and enjoy the sun in the park but only last week keep fit fans were making the most of the last burst of warm weather before Autumn settles in.

As part of the annual London Open House weekend those curious about the recently completed Teddington School development could have a look around these stunning new buildings last weekend.

Photo: Camera Freak

The Grade II listed Normansfield Theatre also opened it’s doors to the public for guided tours that enabled visitors to peer behind the curtains of this delightful Victorian Theatre (one of only two existing in the UK in this state) and learn the history of the Dr John Langdon Down’s work. The painted backdrops seen here are replicas but over a 100 originals are stored on site.

Wonderful colours captured here that enveloped Teddington footbridge one early morning.

Photo: Sunshine Soon


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