Bushy Park car park closure
Despite having recently celebrated a victory over proposed parking charges, car users visiting Bushy Park may soon face a new obstacle to their enjoyment of this space. From Monday 8th November, one of the most used car parks in Bushy Park will close permanently. Work will soon begin after to dig up the surface of Upper Lodge Car Park to naturally regenerate this area back into grassland.
One of the objectives of the lottery-funded Bushy Park restoration was to generally reduce the impact of cars within the park – a move welcomed by general users, dog walkers and deer alike! This particular car park was actually removed from the official map back in May 2009 but since this time, the new Pheasantry Cafe has attracted more visitors to the park in general and also drawn visitors away from the main fountain car park with the lure of the new cafe – potentially leading to a squeeze on spaces first highlighted earlier this year.
The replacement car-parks at the Pheasantry Cafe (B) and Clapperstile area (C) contain roughly as many parking spaces as will be lost here (A) but the cafe, general increased park use and changing preferences within the park look like they will now lead to an over-subscription in this area. Local groups are also keen to point out that not all of the NPL buildings in the Clapperstile area were demolished as planned (due to the newly constructed laboratories not being able to perform all the planned tasks) so the not all potential spaces were created.
[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&msa=0&msid=108028249133060542252.000493fe0d053be02d23d&ll=51.422721,-0.342014&spn=0.003345,0.010729&z=16&output=embed&w=500&h=250]
Despite the lack of signposting at its entrance from Queens Road, currently the Clapperstile car park is slowly starting to be used by general park-goers but is sometimes full during sports club matches – any additional cars looking to visit the park may now add to parking pressure on surrounding roads.
If you are concerned by this issue you can make your comments known by writing to bushy@royalparks.gsi.gov.uk
[Update 02/11/2010] this closure has now been put on hold to enable the Partnership Steering Group to consider the issue in more detail. Royal Parks would like to point out that the amount of parking would have actually increased overall after this removal. Although much of the recent correspondence has called for retaining this car park, previous comments had conversely called for its removal because this busy area affects visitors experience in the park.
[Update 24/12/2010] As a compromise ‘mid-term solution’ it has been decided that the car-park will now remain in place to be open at weekends and public holidays as an overflow space at peak times. Car-parking visitors to the park will be encouraged to use the newly created space near the NPL entrance which is currently under-subscribed (although also not well sign-posted from nearby roads) and the contested car park will eventually be turned back into parkland.
This seems absolutely insane, unnecessary, and just another way of upsetting people. Already at weekends there is not enough space in Car Park A, even with the doubling of space by opening up the grass area in spring/summer. I looked at Car Park C this morning, and it is pretty small, and if sometimes used by sport events, isn’t going to work. What is the point of all this ? It’s worked well for so many years; I think people will still drive into the park, looking for space at Car Park B, or by the Diana fountain, and will be driving around the local roads which adjoin the various gates looking for parking, to the dismay of the residents.
CRAZY ! Why change something that has been in place and working for such a long time,the beauty of the park should be able to be seen and used by as many people as possible and that means having access to the park !
The resulting chaos that will ensue with people trying to park in surrounding roads cannot be good for the community and could eventually result in less people using the park.If it works do not change it !!!
The usual response from park users who can only appreciate nature from [or near] a motor vehicle.
Can we remind ourselves that this is a park and is best appreciated on foot or bicycle-it really amazes me that in an area well served by public transport
-12 bus routes and 3 railway stations- that local people will bring their car to what is supposed to be a quiet oasis in the suburbs [and yes,if you have 4 kids and a dog and shopping from Tesco-then a car is the only practical way to visit,though ,I would suggest,this is a minority of park visitors ].
Car users really have to get used to the idea that there are places where it is inappropriate to use them when the noise and pollution of their vehicle seriously impacts on the enjoyment of the amenity by others and the other animals would appreciate it as well.!.
Just to add to the above email ;
The 3 railway stations are:
Teddington,Hampton Wick and Hampton Court.
The 12 bus routes serve the five main roads on all sides of Bushy Park.
The Teddington Society have informed members that 85% of local dog owners bring their pet for its daily crap in the park by car [many twice a day]-this is part of their opposition to the removal of one car park in Bushy Park and replacement by another outside.
They do not agree with the idea that car use needs to be managed and that valuable park space be returned for the use of people and the herds of deer that are such a wonderful feature in this urban space.
Only in England,eh?
The car park must close.
That area of the park is ruined by the sight of so many cars, the fumes from the road, and the risk to pedestrians by people who drive too fast.
It is ridiculous that Royal Parks have performed this u-turn after spending so much money on building a replacement car park on the park wall. What a waste.