Save Our Libraries Day – 5th February
Next weekend all across the country, fans of libraries will be joining “Save Our Libraries Day”, a day of action designed to bring greater attention to the cuts and closures facing many public libraries due to budget cutbacks.
A recent protest hit the headlines around the world when every single book in a Buckinghamshire library was checked out to highlight its proposed closure. On the 5th, groups are hoping to send the message loud and clear – we want to keep all of our libraries and they provide an essential service to communities across the country.
Fear not – the newly refurbished Carnegie Library, Teddington’s Edwardian-Baroque style library isn’t on the list of libraries at risk, but you can still show your support for the campaign by joining in however you can.
Participants are being asked to visit their local libraries on the day and borrow as many books as they can. Also check out what other services are on offer whilst you’re there – many don’t realise that newspapers and internet access is available along with other helpful information and details about what’s happening in the local community. If you can’t visit in person, you can still add to the statistics by downloading an e-book or use any of the online services.
Newly installed self-service kiosks allowing visitors to issue, return and renew items, pay fees and charges
You can also help highlight this movement by tweeting about why you love libraries with the hashtag #savelibraries or posting on Facebook about the day, writing to your local MP or the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.