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Teddington Business Community – all are welcome

EventsThe Teddington Business Community has existed for many years and has mostly focussed its attention on organising the popular Christmas Lights-Up evening which helps promotes local businesses.

From this year the groups’ aims will be wider with emphasis on regular sharing of ideas, views, improving relationships & methods of communication.

As well as a useful networking event, it will include an open forum where you can share your views and ideas to improve business in Teddington, and in the long-term, secure Teddington’s future.

You don’t have to be an existing member of the Business Community to attend and contrary to popular belief it’s not restricted to high street shops, anyone with a business based in Teddington can attend and it’s free! It is hoped that relationships and support can be extended to all local businesses including shops, offices, independent businesses and consultants and to have one voice for Teddington.

If you can take the time to attend, your participation will help transform the way our business town grows, with a friendly community spirit, for everyone’s benefit.

Possible agenda items are:
• Promote your business
• Introduce you to new contacts
• Business related information
• Important events in Teddington
• Showcase reputable, talented traders
• Get involved with business opportunities
• Take action on business community issues

Ways to grow communication:
• Set up a new working website
• Business listings
• Business email communication
• Membership & Members forum
• Events diary
• Traders showcase
• Community news
• Regular meetings
• Social engagements

This meeting will take place Wednesday 30th March 2011 6-7:30pm at the Landmark Arts Centre. If you are interested please RSVP with your business name.


4 thoughts on “Teddington Business Community – all are welcome

  • Shaz Sura

    I am currently in the process of taking over Dollond and Aitchison Opticians in Teddington. I would like to join the business community. Would you kindly provide me with details of how to do this.

  • elaine lang

    I am a Teddington Resident of Cloister Close for 15 years. My property would be looking directly at the proposed Sainsbury’s. I definately am against it and have been since last year when I forst heard about it. I petitioned all the residents and I was glad to see the leaflet you produced come through this weekend. Thing is, I tried to make a further comment usingthe infromation provided on your leaflet and so far have been unable to. Am I doing something wrong. It is a shame as if I had trouble doing it lots of potential protestors who recieved the leaflet my have the same problem. Can you help? Is it still possible to add comments on the Planning Department Website?
    Elaine Lang, Cloister Close

    • Hi Elaine, isn’t involved with the leaflet (this was produced by the TBC) – when you said you are unable to comment, is this via the Richmond Council website for the plans? It looks like people have added comments up to the 10th May so you should still be able to do this.

      Link here

      If you cannot submit a further comment on they, try following this link to report a problem on the LBRUT website.


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