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Weather Update

NewsStrong winds kept many awake during Friday night and also caused some local damage. Although mostly limited to dustbins & recycling bins being blown from one house to another, some gutters and roof tiles were dislodged from roofs and residents woke up to find streets littered with rubbish and small branches from trees.

Some trees fell victim to strong gusts – one such mature Eucalyptus tree on Udney Park Road was blown down during the night. Owners of the house where the tree once stood heard the tree fall, destroying their garden wall and now horizontal it spans three front gardens and the adjoining pavement. More pics here.

Photo: Sarah Mann

The tree surgeon starting to remove sections of the huge trunk had attended similar fallen trees in the area – they are particularly susceptible due to their height and ever-green nature, making them ‘full-sail’ which catches the wind.

On Saturday the winds were not as strong but still causing issues – the glass front door of Nando’s was caught in a strong breeze and shattered.

Although the weather is now improving and river levels have dropped slightly since their peak over the last few days, Flood Alerts remain in place The Thames is still way above it’s normal height recent heavy rainfall could lead to further rises – keep checking the LBRUT flood info page and EA live flood warning map.


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