

Teddington Town’ers, it’s Photo of the Week time!

For anybody new joining us, this is a feature where each week we trawl social media to see what you guys have been up to. Whether we’re tagged in the photo or we simply see one we love, it goes into the folder; where our 5 favourites are picked by the team here at Teddington HQ. It’s always a mixed bag of creativity, clever angles or important moments. It doesn’t matter what camera you use or how technically gifted you are, it’s about the message the photo sends.

Why not give it a go yourself? Tag us in any at @Teddington_Town or simply post the hashtag #TeddingtonPhotos. We’ll be sure to re-post the best ones and you might find yourself in our Photo of the Week blog which goes out to hundreds of locals every Friday.

Here’s the top 5 photos from this week!

#5 – Always such great stuff going on at Teddington School. A great account to follow.

#4 – Serene and stunning from Andy on Twitter!

#3 – Some excellent shots from David here, so we wanted to include them all.

#2 – A beautiful sunrise over Teddington Weir.

#1 – We had lots of rainbow shots this week but this was the perfect angle. Great shot from Emma on Twitter.


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