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Teddington Village subject to planning consultation

Teddington will undergo consultation between local residents and Richmond council as the council consider the vision for future planning as well as trying to maintain the town’s character.

The consultation comes as tensions rise over plans to build elderly care facilities at Udney Park while residents believe it should remain as just playing fields.

The council maintain that their vision is to maintain the character of Teddington while protecting shopping parades along the high street as well as protecting key office areas for employment use.

It is also listed that the council are looking at suitable properties that will help cater for the growing demand for healthcare in the area.

This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set out in the Draft Village Planning Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The final version of the SPD, taking account of consultation responses, is expected to be adopted in early 2017.

Tha planning guidance outlined the future for Teddington by saying: “The Vision for Teddington is that it will continue to be a welcoming community for residents, visitors and business.

“The thriving and safe district centre will provide a wide range of independent and other shops, employment, leisure, cultural, health and social facilities. Teddington will support a range of community activities. It will continue to enjoy good public transport. Access, traffic and parking will be managed so that the role of the centre and needs of the community are supported.

“Residential areas will continue to enjoy and use amenities such as Teddington’s green spaces, the historic Royal Parks and the River Thames.”

The Council encourages anyone with appropriate facilities to respond electronically – please complete the online survey here. However if you need a paper copy of the draft SPD document or the questionnaire please ring 020 8891 1411 or email


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