Richmond Council

Council to scrutinise proposed changes to local healthcare services

A special committee is to be held so that councillors can scrutinise proposed savings to local healthcare by the local Clinical Commissioning Group.

On the 6th February councillors will come together for a special Health Scrutiny meeting at York House. They will be reviewing the £10.9m savings programme that Richmond CCG has shared with local people, asking for their comments.

The proposals include plans to:

·         Reduce the prescribing of gluten free foods, Vitamin D for maintenance, baby milk and self-care medications.​

·         Reduce the number of IVF cycles offered from one to ‘on an exception only’ basis

·         Help increase patient readiness or fitness for planned operations by supporting patients to stop smoking and/or reduce their weight.


Cllr David Porter, Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee, said:

“All public sector organisations are under huge financial pressure at the moment. Similarly to the Council, the CCG have to make significant savings. As a result, they need to make difficult decisions about their services. They are looking at what services they provide and the way they provide them.

“As a Council we have a responsibility to ensure the health and wellbeing of all our residents.  We also have a responsibility to scrutinise proposed changes in NHS services.

“This meeting will be a chance for councillors to go through each proposal and publically discuss them with the CCG. We need to understand why each proposal is being made and the clinical risk (if any) for each. Therefore we need to be assured that the savings are being made in the best possible way.”

To see the proposals, please go to:

The scrutiny meeting is at 7pm on February 6th at York House, Twickenham.



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