planningPlanning/Richmond CouncilRichmond Council

Local business Fallow Deer under threat of closing

A popular cafe in Teddington is under threat of closing after Richmond Council could revoke its A3 license.

The decision has come under huge scrutiny from local residents who have created a petition to #SaveFallowDeer.

Richmond Council have allegedly made the decision as an old rule states that Teddington High Street can’t have more than three consecutive eateries to protect that ‘vibrancy and vitality’ of Teddington.

Many of the local people believe that it is in fact, businesses like The Fallow Deer who add to the vibrancy and vitality with it’s family-run vibe and close-knit team.

In a statement on the petition, staff from The Fallow Deer said: “We are led to believe this ridiculous rule only applies to a total of 6 parades of shops in the entire borough.

“As usual LBRuT seems to want to stifle creativity, enterprise and small businesses instead of supporting and helping us thrive.”

The petition has gathered huge support and has currently achieved over 3,500 signatures and is gradually getting closer to the 5,000 target.

The staff continued: “We pray that with the help of everyone signing this petition The Fallow Deer can continue on and prosper, not only for our business, but for our incredible staff, our loyal customers and for our community as a whole.

“LBRuT should allow us to continue to provide exactly the kind of vitality and vibrancy so vital to the ongoing prosperity of Teddington High Street.”


You can sign the petition here.


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