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Why It’s A Good Idea To Take Up Self-Defence

Have you ever thought about taking up self-defence? Here are some reasons has to why it’s important you do.

Builds Confidence

One of the major benefits of taking self defence classes is the way it makes you feel afterwards. For a lot people it can make them feel empowered and regain a sense of safety they may have lost or didn’t have before. The teaching of self-defence isn’t negative and can also help a lot children feel confident if they’re being bullied.

It Works On Your Balance

It can help you have more self-control. Improving your balance can also improve your focus. You’ll feel more empowered in your body and feel more prepared when you need to defend yourself.

Develop Self-Discipline

In order to learn and grow your abilities, you need to develop self-discipline. You need to remain motivated and dedicated to the practice. Just going to class on a regular basis develops discipline. Taking these classes can help you keep focused and protected.

It Helps Physical Conditioning

These classes are to help prepare you for any situation that can bring you harm. Physical conditioning is very important in self-defence. When you get into a fight you’ll experience what is called an adrenalin dump, this is your body’s way of responding to a fight or flight situation. It only lasts a few seconds which is why you need to be physically conditioned to it. It’ll help improve your reflexes and awareness of an attack.

These are just a few reasons why self-defence is important; do you already take self-defence? What has it done to help you?


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