Three Time-Saving House-Keeping Tips For Mechanical Contractors
When you’re working as a commercial mechanical contractor, there are two things that you never have enough of: time and resources. You’re constantly hustling for that next project, you’re always thinking ahead of schedule, and you’re always doing your best to make sure you’ve put the best quote together for your estimate. Oh, and let’s not forget budgeting, managing a team, and making sure that your satisfied customers are leaving feedback that you can show to prospective clients. In short, anything that you can to save yourself some time is a blessing, so let’s have a look at a few ways you can make life a little easier.
Make Sure Your Website Is Up To Date
Taking time out to work on your web presence may not sound like the most efficient use of your time when you’re looking for clients, but the fact is that time spent on your site is time saved in the long run. A good website isn’t just about listing the projects that you’re available to work on and the ways that people can contact you. It should be personalised with glowing reviews, examples of past jobs that demonstrate your expertise and experience, and all the content should have been through an SEO audit. Good SEO will make sure that you’re at the top of local search results so that potential clients find you, and not the other way around.
Think About How Software Can Save You Time
Everyone knows that estimating is one of the most time-consuming parts of any given project as the take-off process requires getting the drawings together, running through specifications, and calculating all the costs and the amount of time it will take to make sure that you deliver an accurate but competitive quote ahead of the client’s deadline. This is the way it’s always worked, but doing things manually inevitably means that you are losing a lot of time elsewhere, and there’s really no need. Builders estimating software can run these calculations for you in a fraction of the time so you can get to work on the actual, well, work. If you’re looking for estimating software for builders, RapidQuote offers a free demo so you can see just how effective it is.
Make Sure You’re Drawing A Line Between Work And Rest
No matter what business you’re in, contractors will always find it hard to put their work phone away at the end of the day, to stop checking to see if that email has come in, and to resist the temptation to chase a potential lead. However, if you want to make sure that you’re being as productive as you can be, it’s so important to make sure that you give yourself enough time to rest at the end of the day. Having a clear separation between work and down-time has a huge impact on mental health, and you should also remember that you’ll sleep better if you put that phone down at least half an hour before you go to bed. When you’re properly rested, you will work better.