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Council announces upgrade to trading sites as part of London Climate Action Week

This London Climate Action Week, Richmond Council has announced an upgrade to outdoor trading sites with new electric points to be installed across the borough throughout the year. 

The annual London Climate Action Week began in 2019 and is the largest independent climate change event in Europe. It brings together climate professionals and communities across London in order to find practical solutions to climate change. 

In celebration of London Climate Action Week, Richmond Council have announced the commencement of the upgrade and electrification of trading sites across the borough. Going forward, this upgrade will allow trade vans and stalls, including ice cream vans, to operate using newly installed electric plug-in points.  

The upgrade to the sites across the borough, including outside Hampton Court Palace and Buccleuch Gardens, off Petersham Road, will in the future allow local traders to operate without having to idle their engine or use other polluting energy sources like generators. 

This will have a positive impact on both carbon emissions and air quality in the borough which contributes to poor health amongst residents. These upgrades are part of Richmond Council’s commitment to tackling climate change and local air pollution as set out in the Council’s Climate Emergency Strategy and action plan.  

Cllr Alexander Ehmann, Chair of the Transport and Air Quality Committee, said:   

“The upgrading of our trading sites is another important step in our effort to reduce harmful local air pollution. We want to continue to play our part as a leading borough when it comes to improving our air quality and the health of all our residents. The upgrade to the trading sites will help local traders and businesses reduce their businesses emissions while improving the air quality and improving the health of all our residents.

“Over the past two and half year, over 2500 local residents and business have pledged to help us tackle poor air quality by avoiding engine idling. I am delighted that we can now enable ice cream vans and other traders to run their businesses and make a positive impact on the quality of our air.” 

London Climate Action Week works in collaboration with communities to help them take climate action. As part of the week there are a number of events and webinars planned to bring together climate professionals with those interested in taking action on climate. 

Find out more about London Climate Action Week.  

Sign the pledge to make Richmond upon Thames idle-free.  


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