
Five Ways You Can Help Children in London Thrive

As adults, one of the greatest ways we can give back to society is by supporting the younger generation. Much is made of the support children need from parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals, but everyone can help the capital’s children thrive! Here’s how.

Get Involved with Uniformed Groups

Uniformed groups such as Scouts, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies, and Guides are still incredibly popular with young people and rely on volunteers giving their time in order to operate. There are many roles you can assist with; the most popular being helping at a unit and volunteering in one of the supply shops. Children who are involved with uniformed groups benefit from building relationships, developing new and transferable skills and giving back to their local communities, so by supporting a uniformed group, you will help children grow.

Support Schools

Whether you have children or not, there are ways you can support your local school. Taking on a governing role can be rewarding and a fantastic way to ensure schools are doing all they can to give children the best possible start in life. If you have children at school, you may want to be involved in fundraising efforts. These are often run by PTAs who are grateful for volunteers to help at events. There are also opportunities to support children more directly, such as offering your help in a classroom. This could involve listening to children read or sharing your own skills such as playing an instrument.

Give a Child a Home

Not all children have a stable home environment, but if you have a spare bedroom and are over 21, you could be able to give a child in need a place they can feel safe and secure. Fostering can be extremely rewarding and is popular with ‘empty nesters’ whose own children have left home, but all kinds of people can be foster parents. Find out more about what fostering in London involves and consider whether you can offer a child a home where they can reach their full potential.

Regular Financial Donations

If you are unable to offer time, there are other ways you can support London’s children. Donating money to charities who are working with children and young people is an excellent way to help. As well as national charities such as NSPCC there are local charities with a specific London focus. Explore the work being done through sports clubs and the arts to give children a keen sense of purpose as well as groups for children affected by issues such as bullying, bereavement or mental health issues.

Get Crafty

Hospitals are often glad of donations of handknitted hats and cardigans for premature babies. If you can knit or crochet, contact your local maternity unit to see if they are currently in need. You could be providing a child with their very first outfit!

Whether you give time, money or items ,there’s no better feeling than knowing you are helping a child!


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