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NEWS: Richmond Council invites input on 5-year strategic plan to meet local health needs

People who live and work in Richmond upon Thames are being invited to feedback on an updated strategic plan for how local organisations, including Richmond Council, the NHS, and voluntary and community sector partners, will meet local health and wellbeing needs over the next five years.  

This feedback will help to ensure the actions in the final plan are bold enough to make a real difference to local communities.  

Cllr Piers Allen, Chair of the Adult Social Services, Health and Housing Services Committee and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said, 

“We’ve set out 18 Steps to Health and Wellbeing, which have been identified based on in-depth assessment of need in our communities at every stage of a person’s life. Now we need your views on how we deliver these steps. Our focus is to create a fairer and healthier borough for all and keep our residents healthy and happy at all stages of their lives – this affects all of us who live in Richmond upon Thames, so I encourage you to make sure your voice is heard.”  

The plan will go into detail about how the 18 steps can be met in a way that most benefits local people, such as rethinking the services provided, commissioning new ones and agreeing which local organisations hold responsibility for each action going forward. The aim is to keep people healthier for longer, to delay the need for health and care services and to adopt a system-wide approach to preventing ill health, promoting positive health and wellbeing, and addressing health inequalities. 

The online survey portal will be open for feedback until 21 September. There is no need to answer questions about every priority – only the ones respondents feel are most relevant or important to them. The final plan will be published in autumn 2023.



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